Dice Jobs Special Reports for Consulting, Finance, Healthcare, Manufacturing and Retail
Tech in Consulting
Demand for tech talent in consulting is high, but supply is low as the “road warrior” lifestyle has become less enticing in a post-pandemic world. The Hl-B cap and other regulatory issues could also continue to impact consulting firms’ ability to secure tech talent through this previously dependable channel.
Download the Consulting Job Report

Tech in Finance
Companies big and small across the industry are investing in tech and prioritizing both innovation
(leading the market) and inclusion (expanding the market). Job postings seeking technologists with software engineering and automation skills and experience in programming languages point to the finance industry’s focus on full digitization.
Download the Finance Job Report

Tech in Healthcare
Foundational steps, including a move to the cloud, are being taken to move healthcare into the Digital Age. Though in part forced by staffing issues and extreme strain on the industry during the pandemic, tech roles are becoming increasingly sought-after in healthcare. For an industry that’s known to be reliant on legacy technology, however, full digitization will take time.
Download the Healthcare Report

Tech in Manufacturing
Industry 4.0 technologies that support the cyber-physical transformation of manufacturing are becoming a standard for top manufacturers. The data collection that these technologies offer (through sensors, robots and A.I.) are identifying efficiencies, cutting costs and improving forecasts and predictability. The bottom line? Manufacturers need technologists to build, maintain and manage these technologies now.
Download the Manufacturing Report

Tech in Retail/E-commerce
The pressure is on retail businesses whose digital transformation initiatives are either new or moving slowly, as the pandemic only accelerated changes in consumer behavior. To become a digital player, organizations must build and strengthen tech foundations, and hire the talent to support them.
Download the Retail/E-commerce Report